Young Artists' Camp
Due to unforeseen circumstances, YAC will be on hiatus until further notice. Thank you for all the returning parents reaching out and our new parents considering this creative and wonderful program. We are awaiting the permitance of CSULB to reopen in the close future and hope to reach out to your families soon!
Young Artists’ Camp
Ages: TBD or Grades: TBD
Session: SUMMER Haitus
Dates: TBD
Mondays – Fridays
1:00PM – 5:00PM
Cost: $350 for all two weeks (includes all supplies)
Masks recommended
Registration Closed Due to Haitus
Step 1 - Enroll and Submit Payment
Complete the online enrollment process which will require you to input camper information and payment information.
Enroll for summer click here:
Registration closed
until further notice. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Step 2 - Fill Out Document Packet
After you enroll and pay, you must complete the registration process by filling out both the Young Artist Registration Form and
the Enrollment document packet. Please note that you must download and sign them; we cannot accept electronic signatures.
Send the completed document packet to us via email at: csulbsummerartscamp@gmail.com
(have your child's grade and last name in the subject of the email please).
Register by mail and pay by check:
Please send the 2 completed registration forms above, as well as a check in the amount of $350 for the Young Artists’ Camp Summer '2022. If you are registering for multiple children, please fill out both forms for each child individually. Checks for multiple children may be combined.
Make the check payable to: CSULB Research Foundation.
Mail the completed forms and check to:
Karla Diaz
School of Art
California State University, Long Beach
Fine Arts 4, 106-A
1250 Bellflower Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90840
*There is only One session of camp each summer, this session is the entire two weeks, no refunds or discounts are offered for not attending all two weeks. No discounts are offered for enrollment in other camps on campus.
Enrollment Forms Packet>